Lizgarry replied

357 weeks ago

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last edited 333 weeks ago by Lizgarry

Code republics replied

193 weeks ago

Javascript is a client scripting language which is used for creating web pages. It is a standalone language developed in Netscape. It is used when a webpage is to be made dynamic and add special effects on pages like rollover, roll out and many types of graphics. This javascript tutorial helps you to learn javascript deeply and fast. This javascript for beginners you can easily create a javascript program with javascript online | learn javascript online

Dinarys replied

185 weeks ago

Given the above, modern e-commerce technology would be a perfect option for a pharmacy or a pharmaceutical company. In what other industry the ease of order placement is of such importance to customers? It is important to understand that the ability to order targeted delivery of vital, essential and necessary drugs from home can make life much easier for those who need them.

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